Dialect="MySQL" // this is the default, so you can leave it commented //$oDB->Dialect="Oracle"; //$oDB->Dialect="TSQL"; //$oDB->Dialect="Access"; $oDB->Dialect="PostgreSQL"; } function OpenDB() { global $oDB; CreateDbClass(); // This is where the database connection is made // Uncomment the appropriate line for your database // Using MySQL // $oDB->Provider="MySQLremoveserver" // required if MySQL is remote return $oDB->PostgreSqlLogon(DBNAME, DBUSER, DBPASS); // Connect via ODBC to a DSN //return $oDB->OdbcLogon("northwindDSN","Northwind","userid","password"); // Connect to Oracle XE // Make sure the Oracle database is loaded with the sample database // $oDB->Provider="MySQLremoveserver" // required if Oracle is remote //return $oDB->OracleLogon("XE","northwind","password"); } ?>