\n"; require_once('../lib/dbase.php'); require_once('../lib/dbClass.php'); require_once('../lib/rico/ricoXmlResponse.php'); $id=isset($_GET["id"]) ? $_GET["id"] : ""; $offset=isset($_GET["offset"]) ? $_GET["offset"] : "0"; $size=isset($_GET["page_size"]) ? $_GET["page_size"] : ""; $total=isset($_GET["get_total"]) ? strtolower($_GET["get_total"]) : "false"; $distinct=isset($_GET["distinct"]) ? $_GET["distinct"] : ""; echo "\n"; if (empty($id)) { ErrorResponse("No ID provided!"); } elseif ($distinct=="" && !is_numeric($offset)) { ErrorResponse("Invalid offset!"); } elseif ($distinct=="" && !is_numeric($size)) { ErrorResponse("Invalid size!"); } elseif ($distinct!="" && !is_numeric($distinct)) { ErrorResponse("Invalid distinct parameter!"); } elseif (!isset($_SESSION[$id])) { ErrorResponse("Your connection with the server was idle for too long and timed out. Please refresh this page and try again."); } elseif (!OpenDB()) { ErrorResponse(htmlspecialchars($oDB->LastErrorMsg)); } else { $fname = substr($id,5); load_mask($fname); grid_sql($fname, $mask); $filters=isset($_SESSION[$id . ".filters"]) ? $_SESSION[$id . ".filters"] : array(); $oDB->DisplayErrors=false; $oDB->ErrMsgFmt="MULTILINE"; $oXmlResp= new ricoXmlResponse(); $oXmlResp->sendDebugMsgs=true; $oXmlResp->convertCharSet=false; // Database is already in UTF-8 if ($distinct=="") { $oXmlResp->Query2xml($_SESSION[$id], intval($offset), intval($size), $total!="false", $filters); } else { $oXmlResp->Query2xmlDistinct($_SESSION[$id], intval($distinct), -1, $filters); } if (!empty($oDB->LastErrorMsg)) { echo "\n"; echo "\n".htmlspecialchars($oDB->LastErrorMsg); echo "\n"; } $oXmlResp=NULL; # CloseApp(); } echo "\n"; function ErrorResponse($msg) { echo "\n" . $msg . ""; } ?>