attr=array(); } function __destruct() { unset($this->attr); } function HeadingCell() { $s="attr)) { $span=$this->attr["colspan"]; $s.=" colspan='".$span."'"; } return array($s.">
", $span); } function DataCell($rowclass) { $s="attr["class"]=trim("ricoLG_cell ".$this->GetAttr("class")." ".$rowclass); foreach ($this->attr as $k => $v) { if ($k != "colspan") { $s.=" ".$k."='".$v."'"; } } $s.=">".$this->content.""; return $s; } function HtmlCell() { $s="attr as $k => $v) { $s.=" ".$k."='".$v."'"; } $s.=">".$this->content.""; return $s; } function GetAttr($name) { return (array_key_exists($name,$this->attr)) ? $this->attr[$name] : ""; } function SetAttr($name, $value) { $this->attr[$name]=$value; } } class SimpleGridRow { var $cells; var $attr; var $CurrentCell; function __construct() { $this->cells=array(); $this->attr=array(); } function __destruct() { $this->attr=NULL; } function AddCell($content) { array_push($this->cells, new SimpleGridCell()); $this->CurrentCell=&$this->cells[count($this->cells)-1]; $this->CurrentCell->content=$content; } function HeadingRow($c1, $c2) { $cellidx=0; $colidx=0; $s=""; while ($colidx < $c1 && $cellidx < count($this->cells)) { $a=$this->cells[$cellidx]->HeadingCell(); $colidx+=intval($a[1]); $cellidx++; } while (($colidx <= $c2) && $cellidx <= count($this->cells)-1) { $a=$this->cells[$cellidx]->HeadingCell(); $s.=$a[0]; $colidx+=intval($a[1]); $cellidx++; } return $s; } function HeadingClass() { $s="ricoLG_hdg"; if (array_key_exists("class",$this->attr)) $s.=" ".$this->attr["class"]; return $s; } function CellCount() { return count($this->cells); } function GetRowAttr($name) { return (array_key_exists($name,$this->attr)) ? $this->attr[$name] : ""; } function SetRowAttr($name, $value) { $this->attr[$name]=$value; } function SetCellAttr($name, $value) { $this->CurrentCell->SetAttr($name, $value); } } class SimpleGrid { var $rows; var $LastRow; var $LastHeadingRow; var $ResizeRowIdx=-1; function __construct() { $this->rows=array(); } function AddHeadingRow($ResizeRowFlag) { $this->LastHeadingRow=$this->AddDataRow(); if ($ResizeRowFlag) { $this->ResizeRowIdx=$this->LastHeadingRow; } return $this->LastHeadingRow; } function AddDataRow() { array_push($this->rows, new SimpleGridRow()); $this->LastRow=count($this->rows)-1; return $this->LastRow; } function HeadingRowCount() { return empty($this->LastHeadingRow) ? 0 : $this->LastHeadingRow+1; } function DataRowCount() { return empty($this->LastRow) ? 0 : $this->LastRow+1-$this->HeadingRowCount(); } // returns # of cells in the current row function CellCount() { return $this->rows[$this->LastRow]->CellCount(); } function AddCell($content) { $this->rows[$this->LastRow]->AddCell($content); } function AddCellToRow($RowIdx, $content) { $this->LastRow=$RowIdx; $this->AddCell($content); } function SetRowAttr($name, $value) { $this->rows[$this->LastRow]->SetRowAttr($name, $value); } function SetCellAttr($name, $value) { $this->rows[$this->LastRow]->SetCellAttr($name, $value); } function RenderColumns($c1, $c2) { for ($c=$c1; $c<=$c2; $c++) { echo "\n
"; for ($r=$this->LastHeadingRow + 1; $rrows); $r++) { echo $this->rows[$r]->cells[$c]->DataCell($this->rows[$r]->GetRowAttr("class")); } echo "
"; } } // output buffering must be enabled function RenderExcel($fileName) { ob_clean(); if ($fileName != "") { header("content-disposition: attachment; filename=" . $fileName); } header("Content-type: application/ms-excel"); echo "\n"; for ($r=0; $rrows); $r++) { echo "\n"; $colcnt=count($this->rows[$r]->cells); for ($c=0; $c<$colcnt; $c++) { echo $this->rows[$r]->cells[$c]->HtmlCell(); } echo "\n"; } echo "\n
"; ob_end_flush(); exit(); } // output buffering must be enabled function RenderDelimited($fileName, $delim, $SubstituteChar) { ob_clean(); if ($fileName != "") { header("content-disposition: attachment; filename=" . $fileName); } header("Content-type: text/csv"); for ($r=0; $rrows); $r++) { $colcnt=count($this->rows[$r]->cells); for ($c=0; $c<$colcnt; $c++) { if ($c > 0) { echo $delim; } echo str_replace($delim, $SubstituteChar, $this->rows[$r]->cells[$c]->content); } echo "\n"; } ob_end_flush(); exit(); } function Render($id, $FrozenCols) { if ($this->ResizeRowIdx < 0) { return; } $colcnt=$this->rows[$this->ResizeRowIdx]->CellCount(); echo "\n
"; //------------------- // frozen columns //------------------- echo "\n
"; // upper left echo "\n"; for ($r=0; $r<=$this->LastHeadingRow; $r++) { echo "\nResizeRowIdx) { echo " id='".$id."_tab0h_main'"; } echo ">"; echo $this->rows[$r]->HeadingRow(0, $FrozenCols-1); echo ""; } echo "\n
"; // lower left echo "\n"; echo "\n"; $this->RenderColumns(0, $FrozenCols-1); echo ""; echo "\n
"; echo "
"; //------------------- // scrolling columns //------------------- // upper right echo "\n
"; echo "\n"; for ($r=0; $r<=$this->LastHeadingRow; $r++) { echo "\nResizeRowIdx) { echo " id='".$id."_tab1h_main'"; } echo ">"; echo $this->rows[$r]->HeadingRow($FrozenCols, $colcnt-1); echo "\n"; } echo "\n
"; echo "\n
"; // lower right echo "\n
"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; $this->RenderColumns($FrozenCols, $colcnt-1); echo "\n"; echo "\n
"; echo "\n
"; echo "\n
"; } } ?>