<%@ LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" %> Rico LiveGrid-Example 2 <% Dim RicoClient set RicoClient = new LoadRicoClient RicoClient.SetRicoClientParentPath "../../ricoClient/" RicoClient.CheckQueryString ' just for demo RicoClient.CreateLinks set RicoClient = Nothing %> <% Session.Timeout=60 dim id id=trim(request.querystring("id")) sqltext="select OrderID,CustomerID,ShipName,ShipCity,ShipCountry,OrderDate,ShippedDate from orders order by OrderID" if len(id)=5 then sqltext=sqltext & " where CustomerID='" & id & "'" session.contents("ex2")=sqltext %>
Base Library:
This example uses AJAX to fetch order data, as required, from the server. Notice how the number of visible rows is set automatically based on the size of the window. Try the different grid styles that are available. Click on a cell to see available actions. View the AJAX response (XML).


Order# Customer# Ship Name Ship City Ship Country Order Date Ship Date