<%@ LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" %> Rico LiveGrid-3 Grid Example <% Dim RicoClient set RicoClient = new LoadRicoClient RicoClient.SetRicoClientParentPath "../../ricoClient/" RicoClient.CheckQueryString ' just for demo RicoClient.CreateLinks set RicoClient = Nothing %> <% session.contents("customergrid")="select CustomerID,CompanyName,ContactName,Address,City,Region,PostalCode,Country,Phone,Fax from customers order by CustomerID" session.contents("ordergrid")="select CustomerID,OrderID,ShipName,ShipCity,ShipCountry,OrderDate,ShippedDate from orders order by OrderID" session.contents("detailgrid")="select OrderID,p.ProductName,QuantityPerUnit,od.UnitPrice,Quantity,od.UnitPrice*Quantity as Total,Discount,od.UnitPrice*Quantity*(1.0-Discount) as NetPrice from order_details od left join products p on od.ProductID=p.ProductID order by od.ProductID" %>
Base Library:

Unlike the other examples, grid menus are activated in this example by right-clicking on a grid (ctrl-click in Opera, Konqueror, or Safari).

To filter: right-click on the value that you would like to use as the basis for filtering, then select the desired filtering method from the pop-up menu.

Right-click anywhere in a column to see sort, hide, and show options.

Double-click on a row to see all orders for that customer. Double-click on an order to see the line items for that order.

Drag the edge of a column heading to resize a column.


Cust ID Company Contact Address City Region Postal Code Country Phone Fax


Customer# Order# Ship Name Ship City Ship Country Order Date Ship Date


Order # Description Unit Quantity Unit Price Qty Total Discount Net Price