$Id$ This package contains a library that can read and write german DTAUS files. DTAUS is an acronym for DatenTrägerAUStausch. It is used by credit institutes in order to transfer commands for money exchange between accounts. DTAUS files use a special but simple and freely documented format. I've attached a written down version in dtaus.txt in this distribution. As DTAUS uses very long integer values you can't rely on regular C integer variables. Therefore I've written a small library that acts on big integer numbers. At the moment it only contains routines that are needed by dtaus but you're invited to improve it and send back appropriate patches to me. The library is called bigint and can be found at ftp://ftp.infodrom.north.de/pub/clib/math/bigint-0.1.tar.gz You need to extract it into the same directory where the dtaus files are. After that just run make and you should get an executable named dtaus. Supported Currency ------------------ At the moment the only currency supported is DM. There are some hooks for supporting the new european currency Euro but it is not yet implemented. What needs to be done: . Simple support for Euro in record A . When writing records C and E, divert the field for amount . Ignore specified currency for record C . Reading dtaus, simple support for currency field . When reading dtaus, divert the field for amount Additional Info --------------- The A record (the first one in the .ctl file) needs to contain one "Art foo" field. This field may contain one of the following, only the two-letter code within the double quotes. "LB" für Lastschriften Bankseitig "LK" für Lastschriften Kundenseitig "GB" für Gutschriften Bankseitig "GK" für Gutschriften Kundenseitig Good luck! Martin Schulze