2000-01-04 Martin Schulze * Version 0.4 * Added short description for control files * Ensured that BLZ and KTO consist only of digits, even if the user has specified something different. Banks won't accept files otherwise. * Applied fix for a y2k issue that prevents some banks from accepting the files. 1998-11-16 Martin Schulze * Added information about different types of dtaus files to README file. * Better support for "Gutschriften", the former version forgot to write this where needed. Fixed now. 1998-10-15 Martin Schulze * Version 0.3 * While implementing zero-padded fields I've also implemented clippings so numbers that are too big won't hurt the binary DTAUS file. * Added better support for zero-padded numbers. sprintf() from libc4 had no problems accepting `%08s' while this didn't produce zero-padded strings with libc5 and libc6. Now we've got our own routine to handle these. Thanks to Peter Tobias for notifying me. Fri Jul 3 13:28:28 1998 Martin Schulze * Wrote a small manpage * Added some hooks for the new european currency Euro, it's not yet implemented * main.c: Added test for file existance before opening them and leaving out unnecessary empty files * dtaus.c: Fixed buffer overrun problem within dtaus module Wed Jun 4 16:02:59 1997 Martin Schulze * Wrote main.c as a user program around the library. Gave it version 0.2. Tue Jun 3 19:35:02 1997 Martin Schulze * Switched to CVS Mon Jun 2 21:12:56 1997 Martin Schulze * First official use of this module in 'Artis Studinetz Manager', artisman for the students home at Artillerieweg 55a in Oldenburg, Germany.