Installation Instructions ========================= The version control system does not contain all files required to compile this project. This is intentional. These files will be added before releasing a new version of the package outside of the version control system. Compiling from Source --------------------- To compile this package you'll have to execute the following two commands: ./configure make Compiling from CVS ------------------ Before you can compile this project you'll have to install the following packages: . autoconf . automake . libtool Once installed you'll have to execute the following commands: aclocal autoconf libtoolize --force automake --add-missing --foreign Now ./configure is generated and needs to be executed. Preparing a release ------------------- After the final commit, edit and adjust the package version. Run the following commands: aclocal autoconf libtoolize --force automake --add-missing --foreign Before building the final release tarball some files may be removed. After a normal build run, execute: make distclean rm -rf autom4te.cache rm -f aclocal.m4