#! /usr/bin/perl # infocon - Administration tool for InfoCon # Copyright (c) 1998-2003,2005-8 Martin Schulze # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA. # $Id$ use strict; use warnings; use DBI; use Term::ReadLine; use Getopt::Long; my $table = "sales"; my $engine = "dbi:Pg:dbname=infocon"; my $dbh = DBI->connect($engine); if (!$dbh) { print "Access to database denied!\n"; return 1; } my %data; my @categories = (); my $term = undef; my $opt_all = 0; my $opt_verbose = 0; my $opt_year = 0; my $opt_direction = undef; sub sdate { $_[0] =~ /\d{2}(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})/; return sprintf ("%d.%02d.%02d", $3,$2,$1); } # Wandelt einen lesbaren Datumsstring in die Form um, in der er in der # Datenbank gespeichert werden kann. # sub date_to_string { my ($day,$mon,$year); return "" if (!$_[0]); my ($date_sec,$date_min,$date_hour,$date_mday,$date_mon,$date_year,$date_wday,$date_isdst) = localtime; if ($_[0] eq "heute" || $_[0] eq "sofort" || $_[0] eq "pronto" || $_[0] eq "today" || $_[0] eq "now") { $day = $date_mday; $mon = $date_mon+1; $year = $date_year; } elsif ($_[0] eq "gestern" || $_[0] eq "yesterday") { $day = $date_mday-1 if ($date_mday); $mon = $date_mon+1; $year = $date_year; } elsif ($_[0] eq "morgen" || $_[0] eq "tomorrow") { $day = $date_mday+1; $mon = $date_mon+1; $year = $date_year; } else { ($day,$mon,$year) = split(/\./, $_[0]); if (!$year) { $year = $date_year; } } if ($year < 70) { $year += 2000; } elsif ($year < 100) { $year += 1900; } return sprintf("%4d%02d%02d", $year,$mon,$day); } sub pay_invoice { my $nr = shift; my $pay = shift; my $value = $pay==1?1:0; my $query; my $sth; $query = "UPDATE sales SET paid=$value WHERE nr = $nr"; $sth = $dbh->do($query); } sub hide_invoice { my $nr = shift; my $hide = shift; my $value = $hide==1?0:1; my $query; my $sth; $query = "UPDATE sales SET visible=$value WHERE nr = $nr"; $sth = $dbh->do($query); } sub sales_list { my $where = shift; my $descr; my $sum_pos=0; my $sum_neg=0; my $query; my @row; my $sth; my $d; if ($where && $where !~ /visible/ && (!$opt_all || $opt_all == 0)) { if ($where) { $where .= " AND visible = 1"; } else { $where .= "visible = 1"; } } if ($opt_year) { if ($where) { $where .= " AND date ~* '$opt_year'"; } else { $where .= "date ~* '$opt_year'"; } } if ($opt_direction) { if ($opt_direction eq "in") { $d = "price >= 0" } elsif ($opt_direction eq "out") { $d = "price <= 0" } if ($where) { $where .= " AND $d"; } else { $where .= "$d"; } } $query = "SELECT nr,date,description,price FROM $table"; $query .= " WHERE $where" if ($where); $query .= " ORDER by date,nr"; $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); if ($sth && (my $rc = $sth->execute) > 0) { print " Nr. Datum Bezeichnung Betrag\n"; print "------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; while (@row = $sth->fetchrow_array) { $descr = substr($row[2],0,40); printf "%4d %8s %-40s %9.2f\n", $row[0], sdate($row[1]), $descr, $row[3]; if ($row[3] < 0.0) { $sum_neg -= $row[3]; } else { $sum_pos += $row[3]; } } print "-----------------------------------------------------------------\n" if ($sum_neg > 0 || $sum_pos > 0) ; printf " Zahlungseingänge %9.2f\n", $sum_pos if ($sum_pos > 0); printf " Zahlungsausgänge %9.2f\n", -$sum_neg if ($sum_neg > 0); print "==================================================================\n"; printf " Summe %9.2f\n\n", $sum_pos - $sum_neg; } $data{'done'} = 1; } sub get_descriptions { my $category = shift; my $query; my @row; my $sth; my @arr = (); my ($date_sec,$date_min,$date_hour,$date_mday,$date_mon,$date_year,$date_wday,$date_isdst) = localtime; $query = sprintf("SELECT DISTINCT description FROM %s WHERE date LIKE '%d%%' ", $table, $date_year+1900); $query .= sprintf("AND category = '%s' ", $category) if defined $category; $query .= "ORDER by description"; $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); if ($sth && (my $rc = $sth->execute) > 0) { while (@row = $sth->fetchrow_array) { push(@arr, $row[0]) if ($row[0]); } } return @arr; } sub get_categories { my $query; my @row; my $sth; my @arr = (); $query = "SELECT DISTINCT category FROM $table ORDER by category"; $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); if ($sth && (my $rc = $sth->execute) > 0) { while (@row = $sth->fetchrow_array) { push(@arr, $row[0]) if ($row[0]); } } return @arr; } sub list_categories { @categories = get_categories unless @categories; printf "%s\n", join (", ",@categories); exit; } sub read_input { my $prompt = shift; my $default = shift; my $ans; if ($default) { $ans = $term->readline ($prompt . " [" . $default . "]: "); } else { $ans = $term->readline ($prompt . ": "); } if (length ($ans) == 0) { $ans = $default; } elsif ($ans eq ".") { $ans = ''; } $ans =~ s/ *$// if $ans; return $ans; } # Gibt die naechste freie Nr. in der Datenbank zurueck. Wenn der # INSERT nicht schnell darauf folgt, kann es passieren, dass die # Nr. anschliessend bereits wieder vergeben ist. # sub get_next_nr { my $query; my $sth; my $rc; my @row; $query = "SELECT nr FROM $table ORDER BY nr DESC"; $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); if ($sth) { $rc = $sth->execute; if ($rc > 0 && (@row = $sth->fetchrow_array)) { return $row[0] + 1; } } return 1; } sub buchung_input { my @fieldname = ('Datum','Category','Description','Ein/Aus','Tax percent','Tax assigned','Price','Paid'); my @input = (); my $weiter = 'y'; my $i; my $ans; my $query; my @descriptions; my ($date_sec,$date_min,$date_hour,$date_mday,$date_mon,$date_year,$date_wday,$date_isdst) = localtime; @categories = get_categories unless @categories; @descriptions = get_descriptions; $term = new Term::ReadLine '' unless $term; $term->addhistory($_) foreach (@categories); $term->addhistory($_) foreach (@descriptions); my $attribs = $term->Attribs; my $sth = $dbh->prepare ("INSERT INTO $table VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"); print "Buchungseingabe\n\n"; while ($weiter =~ /[JjYy1]/) { $i=0;while ($i <= $#fieldname) { if ($fieldname[$i] eq "Category") { $attribs->{completion_entry_function} = $attribs->{list_completion_function}; $attribs->{completion_word} = \@categories; } elsif ($fieldname[$i] eq "Description") { $attribs->{completion_entry_function} = $attribs->{list_completion_function}; @descriptions = get_descriptions $input[1]; $attribs->{completion_word} = \@descriptions; } elsif ($fieldname[$i] eq "Tax assigned") { if ($input[$i-1] == 0) { $input[$i++] = 0; next; } } else { $attribs->{completion_word} = undef; } $ans = read_input($fieldname[$i],$input[$i]); if ($fieldname[$i] eq "Category" && $ans eq "?") { printf " %s\n", join (", ",@categories); } elsif ($fieldname[$i] eq "Datum") { if ($ans =~ /^\d+\.\d+.\d+$/) { $input[$i] = $ans; $i++; } elsif ($ans =~ /^\d+\.\d+.$/) { $ans .= $date_year + 1900; $input[$i] = $ans; $i++; } elsif ($ans =~ /^\d+\.$/) { $ans .= sprintf ("%d.%d", $date_mon + 1, $date_year + 1900); $input[$i] = $ans; $i++; } } elsif ($fieldname[$i] eq "Paid") { if ($ans =~ /[1jJyY]/) { $input[$i] = 1; } else { $input[$i] = 0; } $i++; } else { $input[$i] = $ans; $i++; } } if (!$input[5]) { # USt selbst berechnen if ($input[4] != 0) { $input[5] = $input[6] - ($input[6] / ((100+$input[4])/100)); } } if ($input[3] =~ /[EeIi\+]/) { $input[5] *= -1 if ($input[5] < 0); $input[6] *= -1 if ($input[6] < 0); } else { $input[5] *= -1 if ($input[5] > 0); $input[6] *= -1 if ($input[6] > 0); } $sth->execute (get_next_nr(), date_to_string($input[0]), $input[1], $input[2], $input[4], $input[5], $input[6], 1, $input[7]); $weiter = read_input("Weiter",'j'); $input[5] = 0.0; } exit; } sub buchung_hidden { $table = "sales_dm"; sales_list("visible = 0"); $table = "sales"; sales_list("visible = 0"); exit; } sub buchung_unpaid { $table = "sales_dm"; sales_list("paid = 0"); $table = "sales"; sales_list("paid = 0"); exit; } sub usage { print "infocon [options] [-h|--help] commands\n"; print " --buchung-category|-bc [category]\n"; print " --buchung-input|-bi\n"; print " --buchung-unpaid\n"; print " --buchung-hidden\n"; print " --pay | --unpay \n"; print " --hide | --unhide \n"; print " --list-categories|-lc\n"; print " Options:\n"; print " --all|-a\n"; print " --verbose|-v\n"; print " --year|-y year\n"; print " --direction|--dir|-d in|out\n"; print " --dm\n"; exit 0; } %data = ( 'category' => undef, 'done' => undef, 'pay' => undef, 'unpay' => undef, 'hide' => undef, 'unhide' => undef, 'mailto' => undef, 'buchung-input' => undef, 'buchung-unpaid' => undef, 'buchung-hidden' => undef, 'list-categories' => undef, ); my %options = ( 'buchung-category|bc:s' => \$data{category}, 'pay=s' => \$data{pay}, 'unpay=s' => \$data{unpay}, 'hide=s' => \$data{hide}, 'unhide=s' => \$data{unhide}, 'year=i' => \$opt_year, 'direction=s' => \$opt_direction, 'mailto:s' => \$data{mailto}, 'all' => \$opt_all, 'verbose' => \$opt_verbose, 'help' => \&usage, 'dm' => sub {$table = "sales_dm"}, 'buchung-input|bi' => \$data{'buchung-input'}, 'buchung-unpaid|bu' => \$data{'buchung-unpaid'}, 'buchung-hidden|bh' => \$data{'buchung-hidden'}, 'list-categories|lc' => \$data{'list-categories'}, ); my $cmdln = 'infocon ' . join (' ', @ARGV); GetOptions(%options); if ($opt_year != 0 && $opt_year < 2002) { $table = "sales_dm"; } if (defined $opt_direction) { usage unless $opt_direction =~ /^(in|out)$/i; } if (defined $data{mailto}) { if (open(STDOUT, "| /usr/sbin/sendmail -t")) { print "From: Joey Schulze \n"; printf "To: %s\n", length($data{mailto})?$data{mailto}:'Joey Schulze '; printf "Subject: %s\n", $cmdln; print "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"; print "Content-type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\n"; print "Content-Disposition: inline\n"; print "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"; print "\n"; } } if (defined $data{category}) { if (length($data{category})) { sales_list("category = '".$data{category}."'"); } else { sales_list; } exit; } elsif (defined $data{'buchung-input'}) { buchung_input; } elsif (defined $data{'buchung-unpaid'}) { buchung_unpaid; } elsif (defined $data{'buchung-hidden'}) { buchung_hidden; } elsif (defined $data{'list-categories'}) { list_categories; } elsif (defined $data{pay}) { pay_invoice($data{pay}, 1); } elsif (defined $data{unpay}) { pay_invoice($data{unpay}, 0); } elsif (defined $data{hide}) { hide_invoice($data{hide}, 1); } elsif (defined $data{unhide}) { hide_invoice($data{unhide}, 0); } else { usage; }