f7f7f7 000090 e709f7 1717ef ffdeaa 0000ff ffce47 Europäischer LinuxTag 2003 #include # Generelle Konstanten # # Web Location of projects interface # http://www.infodrom.org/LinuxTag/ host=kuolema port=5432 dbname=elt2k2 "> dbname=lt_2003 "> <: if (substr ("", 0, 1) eq "<") { print STDERR "Unknown build host, fix lt2003.style.\n"; } :> ## include # ISO Date specification of the days, the event is happening on, # including preparation # 2003-07-07 2003-07-08 2003-07-09 2003-07-10 2003-07-11 2003-07-12 2003-07-13 2003-07-14 # Symbolic names, used for workshops # Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday # Date names, used for jobs # Tuesday, July 8th Wednesday, July 9th Thursday, July 10th Friday, July 11th Saturday, July 12th Sunday, July 13th Monday, July 14th # External room names # R 2.05 R 2.08 # Internal room names to be matched # WS 1 WS 2 # Web Location of projects interface # http://www.infodrom.org/LinuxTag/ # Maximal number of people to stay in the nili location # AKK 85 # Social Event # 15.00